Saturday, August 18, 2012


What would happen if we simply opened the doors and let the students go; if we let them walk out of the dim light of the overhead projector into the sunlight; if we let them decide how, or whether, to engage this monolith?
Would it be so terrible? Could it be worse than what they are currently experiencing?
Would adults look at young people differently if they had to confront their children on the street, rather than locking them away in institutions? Would it force us to say more explicitly what a humane and healthy learning environment might look like?
Should discussions of the future of school reform be less about the pet ideas of professional reformers and more about what we're doing to young people in the institution called school?
Richard Elmore, Professor of Education at Harvard University

Months ago, while searching for a way to engage my students with ADD, ADHD, ODD, lead poisoning, ED, and myriad other disorders, I stumbled upon the above quote. It weighed upon my soul. I tossed and turned at night, thinking about what the professor had said. What would happen if I told my students they didn't have to come to class if they didn't want to? Would they care about their education? Are we really just locking them away until they turn 18 and are old enough to sort of partake in societal norms? DO we provide them with a healthy and humane learning environment, or are we just tossing them away into holding cells to keep them out of our hair until they're old enough to "know better" and act like adults?

Well, that is semi-hyperbolic. I didn't lose sleep because I was already only getting 4 hours a night. But I did keep thinking about what Professor Elmore had said. For so long kids have been forced to be in school buildings, and because of that, teachers have had the opportunity to get away with being sub-par. After all, the students have to come whether the teachers have engaging lessons or not. Whatever we're doing, we always expect the kids to SIT UP STRAIGHT! PAY ATTENTION! TRACK THE TEACHER! etc. etc. etc. It doesn't matter where the kid is coming from or what they did last night or what learning disorder they may have, they're all expected to sit in the same desk for the same 8 hours a day.

But what if we could adjust ourselves to meet the needs of the kids instead of always expecting the kids to adjust to meet our needs? I mean, we're the adults here. We can change and be flexible to allow the kids to learn better, right? 

This year, I'm making some pretty big changes in my classroom. First, I'm painting. 

This is partly just to cover up the filth. We're going with a stark white with slate accents. Second, I'm getting rid of the desks. That's right, we're going desk-free! Instead of desks, we're going to have video game rockers, bean bags, low-to-the-floor seating, two circle tables, and a couch (eventually). I'm putting in a rug, throwing up some curtains, and I have some awesome little red end tables that will help to set clear work spaces. With colorful lap desks, students will be good to go! Take a look at some pictures I used for inspiration:

 I'm going for a mixture between the two of these... more of the bottom than the top. 

So what's the point? I get a lot of eye rolls from people, and I can almost read their minds: why can't you just hush and teach like everyone else? 

Well, for one... I'm not everyone else! And, well... my students aren't like everyone else. By the time our students come to us, they've already been pushed on through the system and on some level expect to continue to be pushed on through the system. The school system has failed them--and they know that. They're years and years behind in learning, and the gaps are obvious to everyone involved. At this point, half of them don't even expect to have teachers who really teach them, and they don't expect to have teachers who care. This is not a sweeping statement for every student out there--but it is true for many of my students. 

So what can I do to help them? I can show them, in a very tangible way, that I care. I can take their unique needs into consideration and create a learning environment that they can really LEARN in. When I remove the desks and bring in an environment that caters to them, they will respond in a positive way. I truly believe that.

Stay tuned as I put together the pieces of my classroom next week! Shipments will be coming in Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... I cannot wait! In the mean time, I'm going to post periodically some rational about why I am doing this. I want to talk about attendance, behavior, motivation, project based learning, and of course my lovely students. Check back often!